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Starting point

Dernière mise à jour : 20 avr. 2020

Hello and welcome to my blog !

09/04/2020, random date to start a blog, but by choosing it I just made it special to me.

Do you wanna know WHY I started this blog ? Keep reading then !

My name is Ilaria, I'm a young girl, and I'm trying to figure out what I wanna do with my time on this Earth. So I've decided to try anything that intrigues me along the way.

As an Italian, born in the Netherlands, raised in Belgium, you will (not) be surprised as I'll write in multiple languages. I hope you take it as a challenge, and learn some new sentences in some languages you don't master.

I have many interests and passions. I believe that I'm a quite curious girl who can't stop asking questions about the world. But appart from craving to learn new stuff, I also spent a lot of time doing new stuff with my hands and body.

With this blog, I mean to bring you along my journey as I explore life and all its possibilities, as I ask questions and find answers, and sometimes as I simply live and enjoy it.

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