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Morning walk

Dernière mise à jour : 2 mai 2020

Did you know that walking in nature structures your thoughts and helps you see clearer in your life ?

So why not start your day by taking a short or long walk in a forest or a park.

I enjoyed mine by first stopping by a bakery. It made my hike even sweeter !

(I would not recommend doing it every day. Otherwise, your walk should better be a run.)

I reassure you, if you're not really a morning person, you can also go for a nice walk any time you feel tense. It will reconnect you to the world, let you see what is important in life and you will feel instantly relaxed!

Don't forget to hug a tree before heading outside the forest!

And during this period of lockdown, God knows it can make a huge difference. Iceland even recommended it to its citizens !

The world belongs to those who wake up early !

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