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A free bookshelf

Dernière mise à jour : 2 mai 2020

I like to read and learn new things. I also like storing some of the books that really brings me joy just by looking at them. That's why I needed to find or build - that's more fun - a bookshelf.

One day, as I was walking in the street, I found a very tall cardboard box, and happily discovered that a pharmacy cardboard display rack was hidden inside. Since it was meant to be thrown away, I decided to take it with me. It wasn't without any effort (it was soooo heavy!) that I brought it home. After some quick thinking, I came up with the idea to leave it inside the box, to keep the clean look, and cut some square holes to access the shelves. A added a big box underneath that I transformed into a cat basket and it all fit perfectly next to my wardrobe.

Really happy with how it turned out ! And my cat too 🐈

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